The Planning Commission of Packer Township, Carbon County, Pennsylvania will hold a re-organization meeting on Monday, June 29, 2020 at 6:45 P.M. at the Packer Township Building at 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, PA. 18255. A public meeting will follow at 7:00 P.M. to review the following:
1- Complete re-write and update of the Packer Township Zoning Ordinance
2- Complete re-write and update of the Packer Township Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance.
All interested parties are invited to attend. If you cannot attend in person, have a disability or are concerned about attending a public meeting at this time, please contact the Township Office at (570) 427-8969 or here to request that the meeting be conducted through the use of a Zoom application as well as being conducted live.
Packer Township Planning Commission