Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Hearing Board of Packer Township will meet on November 6th, 2020 at 5:00 pm at the Packer Township Municipal Building, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, Pa 18255 for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the application of Broad Mountain Power, LLC for a special exception and variances pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of Packer Township for construction and operation of a Wind Farm, as follows: Special Exception- Broad Mountain Power LLC has applied for approval of a Special Exception pursuant to Sections 501.3 and 802.28 of the Packer Township Zoning Ordinance for a Wind Farm to be constructed and operated on properties located generally north and west of Dennison Road in the southwest portion of Packer Township and which is in the A-l Agricultural Zoning District. The proposed Wind Farm would consist of 21 wind turbines (to be chosen from 26 possible locations on the project site) and associated infrastructure including, but not limited to, access roads, electrical collector and transmission lines, and up to four meteorological towers. The turbines in the Wind Farm will be of two different models. One model would be approximately 452 feet (137.5 meters) in height and the other model would be approximately 656 feet (200 meters) in height. The meteorological towers are proposed to be approximately 418.5 feet (127.5 meter) in height. Variances- Broad Mountain Power LLC has applied for variances as follows: From the portion of Section 802.28.5.a of the Zoning Ordinance that requires that all access easements be improved with “a durable, dust-free, all weather surface” and Applicant instead proposes a gravel surface plus dust control measures during construction; From those portions of Section 603 of the Zoning Ordinance for relief from certain site plan content requirements such as the scale of drawings and the extent and detail of topographic information; and From those portions of Sections 603 and 802.28 that require or depend on compliance upon the delivery of permits or approvals that must be issued by Federal, State or Township bodies or agencies other than the Zoning Hearing Board. Properties- The properties that are the subject of this application are the following tax parcels in Packer Township owned by Kovatch Enterprises, Inc. and Hazleton Electric, Inc. Kovatch Enterprises, Inc. 113-45-A2, 113-45-A3, 120-45-A21, 121-46-A3, 121-46-A4, 121-46-A6, 121-46-A7, I27-46-A2, 128-46-A1, 128-46-A3, and 128-46-A4; and, to the extent of the following parcels are in Nesquehoning, not in Packer, they may be part of the overall project but are not the location of wind turbines and not subject to the Packer Township special exception and variance application: 121-44-B2 (part of), 121-44-B3, 121-44-B4 (part of), 122-44-A1, 128-44-A2, 128-44-B2, 128-44-B3 and 128-44-B4. Hazleton Electric Inc.: 120-45-A20. The public may also attend this meeting remotely via zoom at or by dialing 1-929-205-6099. Enter meeting ID 82097191172. If you cannot attend but would like to have public comments read into the record , mail to Packer Township Zoning Hearing Board, 2234 Hudson Drive, Weatherly, Pennsylvania 18255. Please call 570.427.8969 with questions or to obtain meeting minutes. Stephanie Stolpe, Secretary. |